Volusia County Wildlife and Animal Removal

How to Clean Rodent Fecs Out of Your Attic

Rodents are pesky little creatures and can cause you a lot of problems. As they are known disease carriers you need to interact and handle their remaining with at most caution. The pest infestation can happen very quickly as these Volusia County animal have the tendency to breed very quickly. As soon as you realize that in fact you have unwanted visitors in your attic you need to start with pest control immediately. First of all, you need to inspect the building and locate all possible entry points, where animals are entering your home. After locating the openings, you need to seal them shut, preferably with steel plates in order to prevent further visits from any additional rodents. Basically, you need to make your home pest free. The next step is, of course, trapping all of the remained Florida animals that have been stuck inside the building. The most effective are wooden snap traps that work instantly with minimum pain and torture for the animal.

After trapping and disposing of dead Volusia County animals – their carcasses; a thorough cleaning and disinfection of your attic are in order. You need to act extremely cautious while some severe diseases can be transmitted through touching or inhaling the rodent´s feces.

The diseases in question are:
• Leptospirosis
• Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
• Salmonella
• Various potential allergens

How to clean up your attic?
To avoid the transmission of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome or any other dangerous diseases to you or to the other members of your family, including your pets, you need to remove all rodent´s remaining from the attic, together with their droppings, carcasses, and nest materials. All of it has to be cleaned and disinfected.

First of all, you need to protect yourself with protective clothes; rubber or vinyl gloves and you need to protect your airways with a respirator placed over your face. Remember, there are some serious diseases we are talking about and aren´t to be taken lightly. All suspected areas need to be thoroughly sprayed with a disinfectant or bleach solution before you start with gathering the material in order to prevent any particles from becoming airborne.

After disinfestation, you have to start with sweeping and collecting each and every particle that remained after the rodents. When you are disposing of the carcasses and the rest of material left behind, you need to use proper bagging. It has to be used in order to avoid further contamination and potential health problem to any Florida animal that may temper with this material. The last step in this procedure should be good ventilation to your attic. Open all the doors and windows and ventilate for about half an hour. Everyone, who is dealing with rodents and their infestation should be very cautious and maybe even connect to Volusia County professional help to at least provide them with some helpful advice.

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