Volusia County Wildlife and Animal Removal

Do Snakes Lay Eggs?

There are several kinds of Volusia County animal species present and all of them are under one category known as Kingdom Animalia. Kingdom Animalia is further divided into various phyla. One of the phylum of Kingdom Animalia is Phylum Chordata - This phylum is further categorized into; reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and mammals. Snakes fall in the category of reptiles. Every specie reproduce and the mode of reproduction vary accordingly. Some reproduce through eggs and other produce offspring their young ones. Snakes lay eggs but there are some species of the Florida snakes, which give birth to their young ones. Its one the astonishing fact that they procreate to live young ones because there are only 30% of the snake’s species who reproduce young ones and the other 70% lay eggs.

There is distinct method of reproduction present in Florida snakes that dependent on the various kinds of snakes’ species. The eggs need to be kept warm until they are hatched. In some cases in which the female snakes can abandon their eggs while other specie coil around to keep them warm. The Colubridae Family lays eggs which include the common species like Cobras, Mambas and Adders as well. The method of laying eggs is called as oviparous. Cobras are the one who build the nest for their eggs and doesn’t leave until and unless they are hatched. The other method includes the snakes that are viviparous, in which no egg development is involved. The young one reproduces through the placenta and the yolk sac. This kind of reproduction is very unusual especially in reptiles. Viviparous includes the Boa Constrictors and the Green Anacondas. Both of them reproduce through this particular method. In short, they literally give birth to the young ones with no egg is involved. Another process of reproduction is called as the ovoviviparous. As the name shows it involves the cross egg layer and the Volusia County snake through which it reproduce. In this the females develop eggs inside their body, when the baby is fully developed inside the egg shell; the body of the snake secretes certain chemicals that dissolve the shell of an egg. When the gestation period is completed the female snakes produce young ones as a fully developed and energetic baby snake. Rattlesnakes come under this category.

Nature is full of surprises; one should never stop exploring the nature. Mostly people are not aware that the Volusia County snakes can produce the young ones too by not laying the eggs. By knowing the facts about species you would be able to better preserve them and gave them the natural habitat before them extinct.

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